Golden Hills Now Veiled In Grey

Something I have struggled with for the last year or two is not doing missionary work in the classic sense, going off “as a missionary” and planting churches abroad, but rather going somewhere in the United States that demonstrates great need and living there and procuring employment as a teacher, building relationships and being part of a community…a “missionary” type activity stretched to a broader meaning.

This is in fact probably what most Christians should do, and hearkens back to the philosophies

The Highway of Assurance

The Highway of Assurance

of both Luther and Calvin, of simply being Christians in a fallen world. Luther would tell us that this is ministry, when we use our gifts and talents to earn a living and provide for our family and neighbor- this is a spiritual calling for all Christians….not just those devoted to full time spiritual work.

I have stuggled in part in selling the place I would like to go to my wife. South Dakota appears to her to be isolated, empty, cold, and foriegn…especially on Indian Reservations. She’s mostly right. It is a missionary type mindset that needs to embrace this and see what good can come of this.

I only pray that this is more than a fantasy and that God would accept this and grant this.


One response to “Golden Hills Now Veiled In Grey

  1. Richard Froggatt

    I’m thinking right now of Rich Mullins song “calling out your name”.

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